Saturday, 27 January - Get your Squiz Quiz

Let's get Squizzical...

Happy Saturday, we’ve got a quiz for you…

In case it’s slipped past you, we do a news quiz each week - 10 questions based on stories we’ve covered in the Squiz Today. It’s a bit of fun, and you get to test your news recall. Heaps of Squizers are nuts for it.

We used to have the Squiz Quiz in Friday’s Squiz Today newsletter - but now it’s out on Saturday in our Saturday Squiz newsletter and on our website.

Want to have a crack at this week’s Squiz Quiz?

A bit more about the Saturday Squiz if you’re not familiar…

If the Squiz Today is like an espresso shot, then the Saturday Squiz is like a nice latte/cup of tea. Relax and get across a bit of news analysis from the week, recommendations on what to read/watch/listen/buy, and the other bits and pieces to get your weekend chat sorted. All wrapped up into one weekend email for you.

Get it in your inbox each Saturday by clicking this link. Boom, one click and you’re in. Nice.

Plus a little plug for our Year Ahead series

The final episode of our 4-part Year Ahead mini-series has landed in the News Club podcast show, and if you haven’t had a listen, then the long weekend could be just the time for it.

Kate and Claire sat down with some good mates to talk about the big news stories of last year and what’s on the cards for 2024. From news and the state of the media (ABC Melbourne Breakfast presenter/comedian extraordinaire Sammy J) to fashion (Financial Review fashion editor Lauren Sams), politics and gender equity (Future Women founder Helen McCabe) and sport (sports journos Abbey Gelmi and Georgie Tunny from the Two Good Sports podcast), each episode is an easy 15-minute listen.

And while you’re there, hit follow on News Club. There’s so much coming in 2024, and we can’t wait to get into it. It’s all here for you on Apple and Spotify.